
Dark spots, red marks and acne scars – how to get rid of them

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Spots and acne scars

Acne is quite an unpleasant thing in itself, but it’s more annoying to find red marks and vascularity spots on your skin. We offer you to have a good look at some natural remedies which can help you to clear them off.

Spots and acne scars

Dark spots and acne scars – let’s see how to get rid of them

Face masks for acne scars and dark spots 

Clay face mask has a wonderful effect which helps to clear acne scars and blemishes. To get rid of dark spots and acne scars take half a tablespoon of green clay and mix some cold water into it until a cream (without blobs) is formed.  Add into the mixture a few drops of essential rosemary oil and apply the mask onto the problem areas of your skin face. Leave it for 10 minutes. Don’t forget to moist your skin after the mask. Make four masks with a day break between them. Then repeat the treatment in two weeks if it’s necessary.

You can use an argillaceous mask to get rid of red marks from acne. Take half a tablespoon of bolus alba and mix some pure water into it. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask onto red marks and dark spots and leave it for 15 minutes.

Here’s one more wonderful recipe for acne blemishes – honey cinnamon mask.  Stir a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon well. Apply it onto the red marks and spots and leave for 20 minutes.

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Face masks for acne scars

There’re some more pieces of advice about how to clear acne blemishes

The beautiful bleaching remedy is cucumber juice. You can use it in any way you like. You can simply put cucumber pieces onto your problem face areas or mince it, apply the substance onto your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Essential oils can be also used to get rid of acne scars. For example, you can wipe acne blemishes with rosemary or tea tree oils and all your dark spots will soon disappear. You can use oil blends as well. The blend made of tea tree, avocado, lavender oils and lemon juice in equal shares also helps you to clear the blemishes quickly. However, don’t go crazy with essential oils. The large amount of them can have a very strong effect on your nervous system and can even cause high pressure. So, take only a few drops to dub the necessary blemishes.

Parsley infusion is also of great help in fighting with acne scars and dark spots. Prepare the infusion and leave it to get cold. Then fill up the ice tray with it and put into your fridge. It’s very useful to wipe your face with such ice cubes every morning and every evening.

cucumber juice

Traditional medicine can offer you a tutsan infusion as a home remedy against dark spot and acne scars. Take two tablespoon of St. John’s wort and cover it with a glass of alcohol (mostly vodka), leave the mixture in a dark cool place for 10 days. Then you can use the infusion applying it onto acne blemishes.

See Also:  Getting rid of acne

Apple vinegar is also very effective. But use it together with water. Take cider vinegar and pure water in the ratio of 1 to 3. Wash your face up with this mixture every morning and all your face blemishes will disappear soon. To clear old dart spots and acne scars wet a soft piece of cloth with it and apply it onto your face for 5 minutes.

Remember about your peripheral vascular diseases. If you have such a disease, you should consult your doctor before you begin to use all these home remedies.

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