Getting rid of acne
It’s hard to be happy, successful and confident when the skin does not shine with health, and is delicately referred to as “problematic”. And yet, faced with a diagnosis of “acne”, do not despair: at the moment the beauty-industry offers a lot of tools to deal with acne. Passion.ru looks for ways to treat and prevent acne.
According to statistics, most people consider pimples on the face the most unpleasant appearance defect hindering full communion.
It’s needless to say that their appearance turns a person’s life into a constant struggle for clear skin?
Young people, especially girls, painfully experience presence of any diseases of the skin and sometimes agree to any treatment.
And it turns out that science is not omnipotent, and there isn’t yet a medication that is guaranteed to cure acne…
What kind of problem is it?
Acne is translated from the Latin as “distorted”. Acne is a skin disease that affects the sebaceous glands: normal sebum rises through the ducts to the skin surface and goes out through the pores.
With this disease part of the cells, which is called mikroakne, clog the way out of the gland.
Propionibacterium acnes bacteria are activated and inflammation and plugging occurs, resulting in the formation of comedones – open (black head) and closed (white head).
It should be noted that themselves Propionibacterium acnes bacteria and others do not cause skin diseases in most of us – they are considered part of the normal skin flora. Their negative effects are manifested only with the blockage of the follicle and sebaceous gland hyperactivity.
Why is this happening?
This question was asked by the ancient Romans, but the exact cause of the strange behavior of the cells still can not be found. However, the factors, which affect the appearance of acne, are identified. They are:
- heredity,
- hormonal status,
- failure of the immune system.
Most Common Myths
During the time of man’s struggle with the hated acne a lot of myths about how to treat and protect themselves from unpleasant disease recurrence have appeared.
On Internet forums there are the most exotic recipes to get rid of this scourge, but there are also the most common, surprisingly, “tenacious” myths, such as:
Myth № 1. Over the years it pass by itself
This is one of the most common myths, based on observations, most often the disease begins at an early age, from 13 to 20 years, due to hormonal changes in the body.
However, no one can guarantee that the acne will disappear in adulthood.
“Contrary to popular belief, acne is not a disease that you can “grow over”, – said the famous beautician, author of books on cosmetology Nelson Lee Novick. – Moreover, some are beginning to emerge after puberty. 95% of my patients are adults. ”
However, the grounds for such a myth, as no surprise, are the scientific facts – physicians have no doubt that the cause of failure of the sebaceous glands is an excess of male hormones – androgens.
Myth number 2. Stress is to blame
Indeed, many people experience exacerbation of the disease during stress. But if you do not have a predisposition to acne, and you never had it, stress itself is not able to cause it.
Myth №3. This happens because of certain foods
Acne will not hit you because you love chocolate, smoked foods or chips. By themselves, the mistakes in the diet do not lead to the disease.
However, those who are already fighting for the purity of their skin, are to abandon oily, too spicy and smoked food, and alcohol.
Myth number 4. It is necessary to start a sexual life – and the illness will recede
The grounds at this myth, most likely, are the same as that of the first hormonal changes can really be blamed for the disease, but to try to escape from acne by sex is just naive. This view finds no scientific evidence.
Myth number 5. Acne comes from unscrupulous people
This is perhaps the only myth that is an absolute fallacy. According to the observations of cosmetologists, this is the view that makes the owners of acne permanently and without any reason want to fight germs, dust, and manically monitor the cleanliness of the face.
Any expert knows of cases where patients face was washed and purified up to 10-15 times a day, using alcohol or caustic liquids, naively trying to “scrape” pimples off their face.
“Vigorous rubbing of the skin, using soap, towels and synthetic brushes in a vain attempt to “dry up” or “scrub” acne only leads to drying of skin and vulnerability.
But false ideas have penetrated so deeply into the minds of the people that they would rather give up the treatment, than leave the habit to injure the skin, “- says Dr. Novick.
Myth number 6. Sun rays can cure acne
During the summer, the skin condition of many people really improves. This is because the sun’s rays actually dry the skin and the tan makes all defects less noticeable.
However, sustained remission or cure just with the help of the sun, alas, can hardly be achieved.
Myth number 7. Face cleansing guarantees recovery
Beauticians do recommend regularly cleaning, but not often, and not on your own!
Independently, at home it is better not to carry out any manipulations, even if you really want this. After all, your face deserves to entrust the care of an experienced doctor, right?
Treatment: where to start?
So we already know that the “perpetrators” of acne are the sebaceous glands, whose work is disrupted due to a hormonal imbalance. To the manifestation of the disease contribute:
- Disruption of the endocrine glands,
- Abuse of certain kinds of food,
- Lack of vitamins,
- Use of drugs,
- Menstruation,
- Stress and fatigue,
- Some cosmetic products.
Acne treatment should take place under medical supervision. First of all, visit an endocrinologist and dermatologist – for the diagnosis to be accurate, the doctor needs to know the ratio of hormones and ensure no skin disorders (acne is often confused with other skin diseases).
Treatment from the inside
Antibiotics are often prescribed for intake. However, over time it turned out that the advantages of such a treatment is even less than the minuses: antibiotics are too harmful to the immune system. Now most doctors resort to such medicines as:
Hormonal treatments
They are assigned only to women – the substances, contained in medicines, reduce testosterone level, resulting in decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.
Oral contraceptives
In many ways they are similar to the first ones; they are applied depending on the menstrual cycle, and have a number of contraindications.
Roaccutane (Isotretinoin)
This is a systemic retinoid, which reduces the formation of sebum and prevents clogging of the pores. It, too, has its pros and cans.
+ Correctly chosen treatment under medical supervision gives very good results.
– Increases skin sensitivity to UV, there are contraindications. Self-medication with such a serious means of treatment is unacceptable.
External treatment
As with any treatment, joining the fight against acne, you should tune in to the long and hard work. Treatment under medical supervision must be combined with proper skin care.
Creams, lotions, milks and gels – there are many cosmetic products that are able to maintain the skin in perfect condition. For example:
Tonic for acne prone skin, the formula 3 / Blemish control toner 3
Cosmetics by Mary Kay characterized by the 100 percent lack of flavors, they are clinically tested to irritability and skin allergens.
Functions of the tonic:
- Completes the cleansing process, controls the appearance of fat on the surface of the skin;
- Removes shine and excess fat;
- Allows you to reduce the number of white and black heads;
- Prevents new acne;
- Reduces the pores.
Key Ingredients:
- SD Alcohol 40 – removes grease;
- Dimethicone – moisturizer, strengthens and protects the skin.
To thoroughly clean the skin, prevent luster and give the skin a glow will help
A series of NIVEA Visage Young for young skin
The series includes the following tools:
- Peeling Gel «Clean Deeper!» Cleans the skin. Its secret is blue beads, which open clogged pores and clean them, and exfoliating micro-particles which make the skin smooth.
- Purifying Tonic «Stay Clear!» Contains sea salt and salicylic acid, which soothes the skin and helps it remain fresh all day.
- Matting cream-gel «Control Shine!» Makes the skin matte, and sea minerals provide moisturizing effect throughout the day.
Procedures that return beauty
Salon treatments
Some salon treatment can also help to cope with acne, for example,
Ozone therapy
This means use of ozone gas in the treatment and prevention purposes. Coming into contact with cells, ozone destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi.
This technique is based on the use of high intensity light sources (IPL), penetrating into the deep layers of the skin and providing a therapeutic effect.
Cryo dries, reduces inflammation and normalizes thermoregulation and sebaceous glands.
Home treatments
There are many popular recipes that can be used if desired, after consultation with your beautician. Soothing herbal teas, drying tinctures on alcohol and other funds from the old medical manual, of course, can be used, if approved by your beautician.
After acne. How to smooth out your skin?
If you use treatment correctly and on time, acne will disappear without a trace. However, scars are not uncommon among those who beat the disease itself, but can not say goodbye to the “signs of the devastation.”
Aesthetic rehabilitation may include the use of creams, resolving scars, salon procedures, but most effective, perhaps is
Laser or conventional salon peeling with fruit acid removes the top layer of the skin; after that comes the resulting regeneration, and the skin is completely updated. The laser also stimulates collagen production.
+ If you know how to finish the job, then with the help of this procedure you will be able to completely get rid of the scars on his face.
– We’ll have to be very careful with ultraviolet light.
We have already noted that the consumption of certain foods provokes relapses in some people. The best solution is keeping a food diary.
Only in this way you will be able to understand whether foods play a role in your particular case. It is possible that they do not play any role at all.
The psychological aspect
Experts point out that most people suffering from acne are very vulnerable and insecure. Skin is a kind of barrier between the individual and the outside world, and its status is largely dependent on the internal sense of self. Visit a psychologist – this will bring your success in the treatment.
Comment of a specialist:
Physician Natalia Dolgopolova advises
“In fact, acne is a very serious problem plaguing both men and women. Moreover, it occurs in an age when attention is particularly dragged to the appearance – is the period from 12-15 to 35-40.
The mechanism of the disease is very simple. Under the influence of various factors (genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, climatic conditions, food preferences) the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is enhanced, which accelerates the process of keratinization in the skin.
The result is a shift of the skin pH to the alkaline side, pore expansion, obstruction of the sebaceous glands with the particles of keratinized epithelial accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands, the appearance of comedones. All this creates excellent conditions for activation of coccal flora of the skin and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
Next, there is a “maturation” of inflammatory acne – necrotization of the contents of the gland – and the breakthrough of the pus out. If the violation was deep (with the violation of the papillary layer of the skin), then in the place of the blackhead there remains a scar.
For the prevention and treatment of acne
1. Touch your face with your hands as rarely as possible. Get rid of the habit of propping up your chin, rubbing the eyes, forehead and so on. Every touch is an extra portion of bacteria and an additional trauma to the already sensitive skin.
2. Follow the diet. Skin is an organ of excretion, though it sounds surprising. And all that you take in is reflected on the face. Limit your fat and carbohydrate- fat foods, hot spices, alcohol. If you smoke – drop the habit.
3. Be careful with decorative cosmetics. Therefore, using the powder, creams and other corrective products, follow the basic rule: always use a foundation, do not rub cosmetics, regularly remove makeup.
4. Try to pick cosmetics with an acidic level of pH. At home, it is easy to prepare the following solution: vinegar (6% !!!) diluted ten times with a cotton swab and applied to clean skin morning and evening. Do not wash off. If you experience discomfort, you should dilute the solution. Always make sure that you use 6% vinegar, and try the solution on your hand before applying.
5. It is useful to regularly use steam baths in the form of decoctions of calendula and chamomile. For lotions can be cut from a folded in several layers of gauze mask, moisten it in warm fresh broth and put on the face 10-15 minutes before going to bed.
6. Outwardly use various media: 2% camphor alcohol, salicyl alcohol 1-2%, sulfur preparations, 5.2% resorcinol, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide (baziron, ultra-Klerasil, oxy-5, 10) and others before. When using, carefully read the instructions.
7. It is better not to experiment in moderate and severe acne, and consult a doctor. Especially because persistent and profuse acne can be a sign of internal diseases and disorders.
The doctor will make an individual treatment program, choose drugs wisely, and avoid scarring effects of acne. For these purposes, there are many great resources: local antibiotics ( “dalatsin”, “Zener”), oral contraceptives ( “Diane-35”, “Janine”), hormones, drugs affecting metabolism ( “Isotretinoin”) and others.
Never try to squeeze the inflamed, purulent acne. Especially in the area of nasolabial triangle. Features of the blood supply to that area is such that when an awkward squeezing the pus easily gets into the bloodstream and is stored in the brain. The consequences of such manipulations can be scary: instead of goodbye you can happen to be in intensive care. ”