Folk remedies to remove unwanted hair permanently
Perhaps, each woman dreams of smooth and silky skin without a hair at all!!! But how to reach such effect permanently and do not spend hundreds of thousands? This issue worries me for a long time!
In this article, I would like to tell you about the methods to remove hair for ever according to folk remedies I have found in a “Hairy Book”. In this book, ladies exchange experiences about their attempts to get rid of unwanted hair at home! But, please, take it seriously, as I have not tried these methods yet, and I cannot guarantee its safety and effectiveness.
I hope this information will be useful! I’ll be glad if you share your secrets how you solve this problem!
Updated 09. July 2021
The 1st method
Rubbing alcohol, a partition of walnuts or a shell of pine nuts.
Walnuts 50 pcs, rubbing alcohol 70 % 150 ml. Crack nuts and remove partitions; put it in a dark glass vessel, add rubbing alcohol and close it tightly. Let it drawing for a week in a dark place. You can leave it even for a month. When it is ready, dub a hairy location (it is desirable to do it before going to bed). Do this every day within 2-3 weeks or several times a day within 1-2 weeks. Each time a little hair will come out. Be careful: a tincture changing provokes an intensified hair growth (for example – passing from walnuts to cedar nuts).
The 2nd method
A sap of a green walnut.
Unwanted hair will come out if to dub your skin with a sap of walnut. Surely, new hair may show up again, but it will be weak, very thin and light. It will be gone forever if to do this procedure several times more.
The 3rd method
Ashes of nuts
You need to burn nutshell, then to dilute it with water and put it on your skin. It has to provoke hair fallout. A water tincture (1 teaspoon of ashes and 0, 5 l of water) is drawing for 12 hours. Apply it on your skin with unwanted hair 3 times a day and do a compress for 30 minutes.
The 4th method
Sift ashes, then add boiling water and blend it with a cleaning paste. This past we apply to dub our legs, for instance.
The 5th method
Siberian Cedar pitch. Pine Cembra.
Just apply and remove it (the same as waxing). Your hair won’t grow anymore!!!
The 6th method
Turmeric, diluted by warm water up to cream mixture is put on your skin (previously you need to remove hair). Cover it with some layer and keep it for 20 minutes.