Your perfect eyebrow shape
Would you like to have the same eyebrow shape Cara Delevigne and Mуgan Fox have? Probably, your eyebrows are not bright enough… If you want to have an ideal eyebrow shape, there is no need to visit a beauty salon at all!
Professional make – up makers claim that the eyebrow form betters and changes one’s face. For example, Lena Krigina says that it’s important to dye our eyebrows if there is no time to apply make-up. Thus, you can give some character and underline your personality. So, how to choose a correct shape?
We prepared a detailed instruction for you.
Your face shape defines the correct form of your eyebrows.
Oval face and eyebrows shape
Eva Mendes and Heidi Clum have oval face:
Oval face is considered to be a perfect one and the main task of eyebrows is to underline the natural proportions. If you have this perfect shape then you can choose horizontal eyebrows. You can round them a little but don’t make too high knee of your eyebrows because it makes you face drawn.
A perfect eyebrow shape for an oval faces.
It is not recommended: to make eyebrows wider. Too wide straight eyebrows create a rough look.
A perfect eyebrow form for drawn faces
Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler have drawn faces:
If you have drawn face, you need to make it wider. Straight eyebrows solve this problem. Besides, such form is one of the trendiest and adds some gentleness to a face.
Straight eyebrows for drawn faces.
It’s not recommended: eyebrows with high arc as your face will become longer visually.
Perfect eyebrows for round face
Selena Gomes and Kirsten Duanst are actresses with round faces:
Round face is a direct opposite to the drawn face. Therefore, the task is to draw the face and make it more oval visually. If you have round face, you should have eyebrows with a noticeable high arc and thin edge. The main point is not to be over – diligent.
Perfect eyebrows for round face.
It is not recommend: round eyebrows to repeat the face shape.
Perfect eyebrows for square faces
Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wild have square faces:
This face has rough lines of jaw and chin. To make it gentler it’s advisable to have an arcform eyebrows without a clear knee: try high round eyebrows, you can make them wider and more notable.
Arcform eyebrows for square face.
It is not recommended: thin sharp eyebrows.
Perfect eyebrows for a heart shaped face
Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heat shaped faces:
Such shape has sharp corners close to chin and cheekbones. A correct eyebrow shape smoothes them and level the face width.
In this case need the uplifted shape with even and steady arc. This is a classic eyebrow shape in different sides.
Perfect eyebrows for heart – shaped face.
It is not recommended: straight eyebrows.
Eyebrow shape for rhomboid faces
Taylor Alison Swift and Jennifer Joanna Aniston have rhomboid shaped faces:
This shape is a combination of square and heart shapes. Thus, the task is the same: to smooth out contours and narrow the cheekbone part. A classic form with a gentle knee will be perfect for such face. It is important to make the eyebrows wider than the natural ones.
Perfect eyebrows for rhomboid face.
It is not recommended: straight eyebrows and clear arc.
If you orient yourself to schemes and images, you will never choose a correct eyebrow shape for your face. You need to make an experiment. Buy a stencil and cut different shapes. Then look in the mirror, remove make up and comb your hair backwards. A neckline should be opened. Start learning your face applying different eyebrows. You can make photos of your face and ask somebody’s opinion on this issue. When you are sure that you found the right form take a dark pencil and paint the shape on your eyebrows. If you like your face with new eyebrows, the start changing them. This is your perfect shape!