Hair Care

Top 10 mistakes when coloring hair

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Dyeing hair at home, we risk to make a number of mistakes. Some of them may lead to undesirable color quality, but others – to a serious damage of your hair. warns you of errors in coloring and talks about new ways of hair coloring!
We resort to hair coloring when we want to mask the gray hair, to change the image or simply to “revive” the hair color. But, unfortunately, sloppy dyeing hair “at home” we can face very unpleasant consequences – the hair can be seriously and permanently spoiled.
You must be able to choose the color so that it fits under your primary color type (especially in the color of eyelashes and eyebrows). Of course, it is better to dye the hair in the salon, but because any dye can get quickly washed off, and the procedure of staining is usually not cheap, you have to take matters into your own hands.

Basic mistakes that we make when we dye hair

Error №1: Expect that the result matches with the hair color on the packaging

The mistake would be to believe that the result of your hair dye will be identical to the color of the hair of the girl “on the box”. The result of dyeing depends on your natural color. Use the shade plate, which is usually shown on the back side of the box to see how it will look.

№2 Error: Starting to dye without checking for allergies

Many of us do not pay attention to the calls of the producers to first check the reaction to the dye on a small area of skin.

hair color

The site should be selected on the back of the neck, behind the ear or on the inner bend of the elbow. The allergy to the dye may occur in forms of irritation, itching, inflammation, and even hair loss! The test should be performed 1-2 days before the expected staining.

Error №3: Use the dye without trial

A big mistake is to paint all the hair immediately. It is better to choose a small lock of hair on the neck to check what would happen as a result. This way you will save yourself from disappointment.

Error №4: Not protecting the skin and clothes during dyeing

The dye can leave strong spots on your skin and clothes, so before the procedure it is recommended to put a towel over your shoulders, which is not a pity to spoil. Be sure to use gloves, which usually come in a set with the dye.
Not protecting the skinAlso, you can protect the skin from blemishes, if you apply fat cream or Vaseline to the neck and ears. If, however, some areas of the skin are still soiled with paint, wipe these places with acotton swab dipped in alcohol lotion.

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Error №5: Using hair conditioner before coloring

Do not use a conditioner before you dye your hair – just wash your hair with a shampoo. For the hair to be ready for dyeing, no free radicals must be present, such as dirt and grease. At the same time, it is better not to wash your hair the day before dyeing.

Error №6: Applying the dye on the dirty, matted hair, or hair, glued with hairspray

A month before dyeing regularly moisturize the hair with special masks. Before applying the dye, the hair must be clean! Before hair coloring it is recommended to cut off the dry, split ends.

Error №7: Applying hair dye on eyebrows and eyelashes

In no case dye your eyebrows and eyelashes with hair dye – you can crumble your eyelashes! But this is not the worst thing – the dye may get into the eye, which can cause serious health consequences for the vision. For eyebrows and eyelashes, there are special professional paints and it is recommended to dye them in a salon.

Applying hair dye

Error №8: Increasing the time of dyeing (longer than recommended in the instructions)

You should not keep the dye on your hair longer than they recommend in the instructions – it can severely damage the hair. Remember that it is much easier to make the tone more intense than lighten the excessively dyed hair. If the result of dyeing does not suit you, you will have to wait 2-3 weeks before you dye your hair again.

Comment of a stylist of salon network “Egomaniya” Gennady Osipov:
“By increasing the dyeing time the whole technology is disturbed. The composition of hair dyes is different: there are lighter formulas or the ones providing persistent shades for a long period.
If you love your hair, take care of it. The dye remaining longer on the hair, to a greater or lesser extent, damage the hair shaft structure and, consequently, its physicochemical characteristics. A rational care for colored hair can partially restore these features. But it is much more prudent to carry out the correct dyeing procedure.
Increasing the time

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Particularly at risk are the women not observing the time staining indicated in the instructions, when lightening the hair color. The transformation to the blonde is a doubly responsible moment. In fact, it is better to entrust it to a professional. ”

Error №9: Use a shampoo for dandruff on colored hair

Special shampoos for dandruff have the most powerful cleaning properties of all the shampoos on the market. For colored hair it is better to use funds for special care against dandruff for colored hair – such as, for example, Miss Prestige, Clear Vita ABE or novelty of the Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff “Resistant Color”.

Error №10: Dyeing your hair more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color

Hair color should be in harmony with your natural color type (your color, eyes, natural hair tone), if you certainly do not want to achieve the effect of a la Snow White. A striking example of such an effect is Dita Von Teese. Dita once confessed that in fact she is blonde!
With black hair color the star gets her famous retro style. Dita does not exclude the possible experiments with her hair in the future – she is ready to once again become a blonde or a redhead, but in any case, not a brown-haired woman.

By the way, scientists have found recently that the radical hair coloring can cause serious skin diseases. Especially dangerous are the dyes, which are loved by the teenagers: crimson, purple, green, bright red … The composition of these inks include para-phenylenediamine – a substance that causes inflammation of the skin.

New hair coloring technologies

Of course, you can dye your own hair, bent with a tube of paint over the sink. But you must admit: firstly, it is inconvenient, and, secondly, it does not deliver such a pleasure as salon painting.
Especially that hair dye technologies have reached such a high level that carrying out such dyeing on your own, without an expert, is simply impossible. Let us dwell on the most popular types of dyeing.

Elumination of the hair: long-lasting effect and no risk

Elumination of hair is called dying hair with a special dye Elumen by German company Goldwell. The difference with conventional dye is that it acts directly on the hair and penetrates in depth, it does not injure the hair, because it does not contain peroxide and ammonia. Dyeing lasts a long time due to the revolutionary acidic direct dyes, giving the hair a glossy shine.

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New hair coloring technologies

Generally, direct dyes have a tendency to form lumps, which hinder the penetration of the colorant into the hair. Elumen particles do not have properties to form clumps, and therefore they are easy to seep deep into the hair structure individually.

Inside the hair there is an effect of magnetic attraction when the negatively charged dye particles merge with the positively charged particles of the hair. As a result, the hair get soaked with paint from the inside.

Elumen not only doesn’t spoil the hair – it also treats them! As a rule, the hair loses its shine and looks lifeless because of its porous structure.

Thanks to the “astringent action”, Elumen glues the pores, restoring hair to its natural beauty and shine. Judging by the feedback from shoppers, this paint is able to cure even the hair, burnt with perm.

Things to remember!

The best thing is to do elumination in a hair salon, because the careless use of Elumen can strongly stain the skin of the face and head.

A specially trained master will apply the paint on the hair without touching the scalp. In addition, elumination does not hide gray hair!

Biolamination of hair: not only color, but also care

Biolamination, like elumination, is performed with a dye which does not contain ammonia, and the ink is also based on the action of the “ionic” principle.

In contrast to eluminaton, biolamination has a stronger therapeutic effect – it not only helps to dye the hair, but also improves the structure of the thin, over-dried, unruly hair.

In fact, biolamination thickens the hair by at least 10%, and, accordingly, the hairstyle becomes much more voluminous.


This occurs due to the special pulp coating which envelops each hair with an invisible membrane, whereby the porous structure of the hair becomes smooth.

This membrane does not allow the color to wash out. Biolamination facilitates hair styling, permanently fixing the shape of hair, and also has water-repellent properties, – which means your hair is not scared of rain.

Biolamination can be both transparent and colored. Moreover, the color of the means, in contrast to conventional dyes, is glossy, bright and multi-dimensional!

Things to remember!

Biolamination of the already dyed hair is a conventional way to “consolidate” the dye, providing a more lasting effect.

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