
What is dangerous of the human papilloma virus? The human papilloma virus in men and women

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The human papilloma virus — it is dangerous for men and women

Today we decided to tell you about a disease that everyone has heard of the human papillomavirus, or just HPV. According to statistics, 70% of the world’s populations are carriers of the infection. This figure is frightening, so let’s see what the virus is and how dangerous it is for a person.

The human papilloma virus

The content of the article:

Features and development of HPV

  • Symptoms of HPV infection
  • How dangerous is HPV?
  • HPV during pregnancy
  • The effective treatment of HPV
  • The cost of drugs for the treatment of HPV

What is HPV? Its features and development 

Human papilloma virus – is an infection that affects epithelial tissue and is the cause of occurrence of warts on the skin and mucous membranes. For many years, this virus has been considered absolutely safe. However, in 2008 German scientist Harald zur Hausen proved that HPV types of 16 and 18 are oncogenes and can cause cervical cancer. Today, more than 100 species of papillomavirus, which differ at the genetic level, are known to modern medicine. About 40 types of them can affect the sex organs. HPV belongs to the hidden infections that transmitted by sexual contact, and it is one of the most common one.

What is HPV

Almost half of the sexually active people are infected with the virus.

Every person that has any sexual contact, risks of catching HPV. It is also possible vertical infection (mother to child during childbirth), through blood and domestic (eg, cut himself shaving).

How does the virus develop?

How does the virus develop

When the cells of the skin affected by HPV “are aware” that they are infected, they try to locate the “uninvited guest”, accelerating actinic of epidermis. Thus, there are peculiar growths. At this time, the infection itself produces superficial attacks that are called benign lesions (warts, papillomas), or makes its way inward cell chromosomes – malignant lesions (carcinoma, dysplasia). It is impossible to assume any damage cause by HPV. Here heredity predisposition man to certain diseases and status of the immune and skin plays a big role. Exactly from these factors depend on the protective properties of the cells. According to the latest medical research, stress makes more aggressive HPV. The disease women are more prone than men.

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Symptoms of HPV infection in men and women

HPV is a quite long incubation period ranging from two weeks to several years. A healthy person with a strong immune system, he can handle independently with the given disease. But the sharp decline of immunity can provoke transition the virus the active form. In most cases, HPV, quite a long time developing in the human body, absolutely does not prove itself. After a while, the virus provokes the appearance of the skin and mucous membranes of small formations that act on the surrounding tissue. They are called papillomas. Most often, they have beige, dark brown color. Warts appear on the skin of the hands and arms, but a person with a poor immune system, papillomatosis can take the more common form. The main clinical symptoms of human papillomavirus are directly dependent on the type of virus that hit the man.

Modern medicine defines the following types of papillomas

The plantar papillomasThe plantar papillomas

They are small shiny bumps with a protruding rim, which are localized on the sole, and may cause pain 

The vulgar papillomasThe vulgar papillomas

They are solid growths with a rough and chapped surface. They mainly localized on the skin of hands;

 The flat papillomas

The flat papillomas

They are itchy and painful flat smooth bumps that can have yellow, pink or skin tone;

The acrochordus or filamentous papillomas

The acrochordus or filamentous papillomas

They are elongated elastic and solid neoplasms that are localized in the neck, around the eyes, armpits, or in the groin area;

Pointed papillomasPointed papillomas

They are itchy and painful, yellow or pale gray growths that are localized in the vestibule of vagina, on the labia lips, cervix uteru and in men on the urine of conductive channels in the crotch area, in prianalnoy zone mucosa and the red border of the lips and others.

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How dangerous is HPV?

Many are interested in the question of whether the dangerous human papilloma virus or not, it’s not uncommon cases when the organism itself is cured from the disease. Of course, dangerous! For a young healthy girl, this infection can be relatively safe, but risk of occurrence of serious complications still remains. But if the immune system is weakened, the disease may become chronic, which is sure to be accompanied by unpleasant and serious consequences. Therefore, all need to be attentive to their health, as to assume, how to behave, this infection it is not possible.

How dangerous is HPV

For women, the human papilloma virus is dangerous because some of its types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52) cause cancer, namely cancer of the external genitalia, cervix, anal area and severe cervical dysplasia. This complication may occur in both women of mature age, and young girls. The increased risk is for women who smoke.

Also, with the development of HPV on female genital pointed papillomas could appear. This disease, of course, not fatal, but unpleasant, and requires treatment. The development of such a widespread disease as cervical erosion can also be caused by HPV. This is violation of the integrity of the epithelial integument, which at colposcopy looks small wounds pink or red. Erosion can also cause the development of atypical or cancerous cells

For men, the human papilloma virus is less dangerous than for women.

Most often, they are passive carriers. The probability of developing cancer is much less. HPV in men can cause peaked condylomas in the the foreskin, the glans penis or bridle. Such formation needs to be urgently removed, because they interfere with not only the observance of personal hygiene, but also keeping the sex life.

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Human papilloma virus during pregnancy – why should be treated? Is it dangerous to treat pregnant HPV woman?

The human papilloma virus does not affect the development of pregnancy or the future baby. However, pregnancy can cause the beginning of active development of the disease.

Human papilloma virus during pregnancy

If you have genital warts, then during pregnancy, they can begin to grow much faster and with abundant vaginal discharge will be observed. Thus, the virus provides a favorable environment for themselves. Additionally there may be hormonal changes.

However, in most cases, warts are not harmful to the unborn child. HPV can be transmitted kid only during passage through the birth canal, but such cases are very rare

If contact with the virus was nevertheless, the child’s body could deal with it independently without any problems or symptoms.

Remember that HPV during pregnancy is not treated as any antiviral drugs can harm your baby. Also, this disease is not an indication for cesarean section.

Effective treatment of human papilloma virus

Today human papilloma virus is treated with both conservative and operative methods

For the treatment of HPV are intended the following drugs: interferon (cyclopheron, reaferon), antiviral and immunomodulating. However, this treatment will not help you get rid of the virus, and only reduce the amount in the body.

Effective treatment of human papilloma virus

The expediency of surgical intervention depends on the place where there were genital warts. If they are found on the cervix, their surgical removal is required. This may apply freezing (cryotherapy) or moxibustion (diathermocoagulation). But the removal of warts is purely cosmetic character, because during this procedure, the HPV from the body does not disappear completely.

This information is provided for informational purposes only. Remember that self-medication could harm your health.

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