Bathing a newborn
First bathing of a newborn
The first bathing of a newborn is no less exciting event for the parents than the first “mama” or first step. Indeed, such a pipsqueak! Will he like it or not? Would it not be too hot or cold? What if he slips? And what if dad does not hold him? And what if he starts crying? These and many other questions are swarming in the head of the new parents when they triumphantly carry their newborn little son or daughter to the bath. Let’s think what may affect the success of this exciting event.
The main thing you need is a bath. Would you bathe a baby in an adult tub or acquire a special on for children – you decide. But nevertheless, it is desirable to have a little baby bath, even if you are going to immediately arrange a swim and dive to the envy of the dolphins. Firstly, in our country they often disable the hot water and it’s easier to boil a large kettle than three or four buckets.
Secondly, babies have sometimes skin problems – allergies, diathesis, erythema, etc. In all these cases bathing doctors prescribe medicinal herbs – again, for a big bathtub you will need three times as much. Also, in a small bath, in our opinion, in the first months it is easier to do “water exercises”, especially if the bath has a slide. And it is much easier to keep it clean.
Water temperature when bathing a newborn
The second thing is the water itself. Many people advise to bathe newborns exclusively in boiled or bottled water. It all depends on the purity of the water supply system in your city. If there is a risk that Legionella or even some kind of harmful stick will flow from the pipes –it is more preferable to be safe than to suffer in the hospital. And if you want to boil water “to mitigate”, better use herbs, sea salt and bath foam.
Water temperature is an individual matter. The one who makes the choice here is the baby. But the first time, the water temperature should be 36.6 C. If you do not have special water thermometer, dip the elbow in the tub (fingers harder to determine). If you are neither hot nor cold, so the temperature is chosen correctly. But better still buy a thermometer!
Then watch the baby. Some children prefer warmer water, others – colder. “Inappropriate” temperature can cause bad mood and bitter crying in the bathtub. How do you know if your child is cold or hot? If your baby is cold, it compresses into a ball, he has blue nasolabial triangle, after some time, the baby begins to tremble …
If it’s hot – the skin turns red, the child becomes lethargic and, again, it will surely express protest crying. Do not worry – if you make a mistake once or twice, nothing terrible will happen. It taps with hot and cold water close by, and you can always make the water comfortable for the baby. A month later, you’ll accurately pour water just the right temperature, which the kid likes.
Means for bathing a newborn
The third thing is means for bathing babies. Absolutely forbidden are antibacterial agents – you can break the natural microflora of the skin and stimulate the development of serious diseases. According to dermatologists, traditional solid soap has a reputation of a good cleanser, which has an extremely negative effect on the baby’s sensitive skin.
Why is this happening? Human skin has a protective membrane, which is often called hydrolipid mantle. It does not let the sun, wind, water and other aggressive external factors have a negative effect on the skin. In babies, this protective membrane is very thin. Natural level of acidity (pH) of the baby’s skin, wherein the protective membrane normally performs its function, is 5.5, while the most mild and moistened solid soap has pH level of 7 to 10.
Alkaline substances contained in the ordinary soaps, neutralize or destroy the natural level of acidity of the skin, in other words they “erase” the membrane that creates a barrier to bacteria. This means that the risk of infection of the sensitive baby skin is increases.
To restore the protective layer of the body of the baby brings to the surface moisture of the deep layers of the epidermis. Thus a process of deep drying of the thin delicate skin starts. And every time, these processes are amplified. What should you do? It is better to take advantage of modern soft and gentle means for bathing. They have a radically different formula, to achieve full compliance with the level of pH of children’s skin.
These tools do not damage the skin of a newborn baby, and also help it cope with the aggressive external influences. Soft foams, creams and gels, not containing soap, are effectively removed from the surface of the baby’s skin together with the water-soluble dirt, keeping hydrolipidic membrane safe. This gentle cleansing prevents irritation and dryness. And also it helps to preserve the protective functions of children’s skin.
How to use the means for bathing a newborn? First you need to prepare “water space” in advance – with a thermometer you are to make sure that the water temperature is about 37 ° C, add a little foam in the tub for bathing and create a light foam. After the baby is in the water – keep in mind that the baby can stay in the water only under your supervision! – take a little bit of foam for bathing and gently massaging the skin, apply it to the beloved child. If the tool is also suitable for the hair, gently wash their child’s head or use a special baby shampoo formula “no tears”.
Mineral supplements
Sometimes it is a good idea to bathe your baby in a bath with sea salt. To do this, dissolve sea salt in a saucepan, strain through several layers of cheesecloth and pour out before bathing in the tub. A solution of sea salt, which will remind the baby of the days spent in my mother’s tummy, is very useful. After the bathing, drench the baby with plain water to wash off the sea salt, if the solution was sufficiently concentrated.
Great for swimming are all kinds of herbal teas. If the child is restless, you can bathe it in a coniferous solution, if it has problems with the skin – in the infusion or series of elecampane. Do not bathe your baby in the infusion of chamomile – it dries the skin, but it is possible to use it as one of the components.
In general, before experimenting with herbs, consult your doctor – he will help you choose the optimum composition.
Time for bathing a newborn
The forth thing is the time for bathing the newborn. Traditionally, we choose evening for swimming. But, believe me, it is not obligatory! There are children who get overexcited while swimming and they are then difficult to fall asleep and sleep poorly. If you notice such reactions in your baby – why not bathe it in the morning? The baby is not in a blast furnace, and it is not necessary to wash off the sweat of the daily worries…
Some babies prefer to bathe before eating, others – only with a full stomach. Some fall asleep immediately after bathing, while others will play tricks a couple of hours. Sometimes it seems to us that it “whims”. But it is not so. Similar “requests” are closely related to the physiology of the baby, especially the nervous system. To “break” the baby and insist on it is not difficult. But who will benefit from this?
Tune up, MAMA!
The fifth component of a happy bathing – and perhaps the most important – is the mood of the mother. More often than not, growing up, those children, whose mothers were shaking as rabbit tail, when first bathing baby, are afraid of water. Thus, they gave their children sign: water and swimming is scary, is dangerous.
Since the baby instantly reads the internal emotional state of the mother and remembers it for life, if in bathing there is something that bothers you, what you are not sure of – double-check it before taking the baby in your arms and carry it to the water.
If you cannot overcome yourself, let the dad, grandmother or nanny bathe the child. You can ask a visiting nurse from the clinic to bathe the baby with you – she gladly will show you how to do it right. In the absence of helpers, output is still there. Do not hide from your baby’s condition! Conversely, share with them the existing fear. Tell them what you are afraid of and what you are going to do.
Getting into such “conversation,” in two or three minutes you will feel better. Your fears will gradually evaporate. And the child, even though consciously it won’t understand you, will get rid of the depicted fear..
Nursery rhymes for bathing a NEWBORN
Small nursery rhymes and poems, which have long been used when bathing babies will help create a happy mood for you and your baby.