
Green tea diet. How to become thin with Green Tea?

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There are a lot of methods to grow thin by means of various drinks: water, coffee and herbal decoctions. However, the leader of this group is the Green tea, which is used in many diets; this drink is also very popular in the east, Europe and USA. For example, Russian people know less about this wonderful drink; however, it becomes more and more popular in those regions.

The Green Tea

It turns out that due to one plant we get both black and green sorts of tea. However, handling methods are rather different, thus we get different tea properties. Both sorts contain enough caffeine, which stimulates nervous systems. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink a lot of tea.

The Green Tea

We get the Green tea by means of minimum fermentation and oxidation; the next step after fermentation is a heating – up process till a high temperature. In fact the Green Tea is Chinese by origin, though Japan is also one of the leader in its consumption and tea – drinking.

 The Green Tea usefulness

European people like the Green Tea for its pleasant and unusual taste; it slakes thirst very quickly. The Green Tea has a lot of healing properties and it is rich in antioxidants and minerals. It helps to stay young, thin and active.

This eastern drink has a wonderful composition. One may think it consists of a pinch of leaves and water. In fact, this tea contains many microelements and vitamins. The Green Tea is reach in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, K and PP vitamins, a lot of fluorine, which is required for teeth, especially if you use it to rinse your mouth within several minutes. Other components of the Green Tea are copper, manganese and zinc.

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Its composition is full of the whole group of catechines – polyphenol, aromatic compounds, which act as antioxidants and protect body cells of aging. They also activate metabolism and excessive fats burning. As to antioxidant effect, the Green Tea is in the lead, comparing with C vitamin and tocopherol.

 The Green Tea usefulness

If you drink the Green Tea you can correct your weight due to metabolism activation on one’s body. You can also get rid of slags, high-density metal salts, and different types of intestinal toxins. The tea egests them from our body and activates reprocessing in liver.

One of the main properties of the tea for people who want to become thin is appetite suppression. If you want to have a snack, then you should drink a cup of this tea without sugar or sweets, and your appetite will disappear for two hour. Thus, you can avoid overeating if you drink the Green Tea one in the morning.

There are almost no calories in this tea. It helps to get thin gradually due to consumption activation and appetite suppression. Moreover, the Green Tea calms down nerves, reduces blood pressure and normalizes cardiac performance.

In general, this drink favor’s the immune system and betters one’s mood easily.

Weight loss methods and the Green Tea

There are several methods to become thin by means of this drink – diets and offloads.

A ten – day diet with the Green Tea assumes a low – cal feeding (take a menu of any diet or make it up by yourself) and the tea drinking. It’s better to drink it during breakfast, dinner, mid-afternoon snack and 3 times more between these meals. However, you shouldn’t d drink the Green Tea after 6 P.M. as you will have a bad night because of its caffeine.

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The scheme is very simple – brew a portion of light tea without sugar and drink it 6 times a day. You can add a spoon of honey or mix the tea with milk once a day.

Soon your appetite will be suppressed; meanwhile your immune system will become stronger due to vitamins and minerals of the Green Tea. You will have a good mood as far as you are on a diet, but you are not hungry and no stress at all! In general, low – cal feeding helps to lose 3 – 4 excessive kilos.

Weight loss methods and the Green Tea

There is also an offloading program with the Green Tea, but you can use it at a pinch – if you need to put on tight jeans or evening dress. You may continue such diet no more than 1 day. All you need is to brew the Green Tea with milk (a pinch of tea for 1 l of milk). If you adore milky products, then you can brew a simple Green Tea and add some milk right before the consumption.

Don’t forget that you need to drink 2 – 2,5 l of this drink within the day. If you are tired from the tea taste, add some honey there. In the mean, one can lose up to 2 kilos due to its diuretic effects. Such offloading day brings satiety and satisfaction.


Apart from its wonderful properties, this tea may be harmful for one’s health especially for those people, who are on a diet and drink this tea a lot! The Green Tea reduces blood pressure and it is not useful for hypotensive people. Due to caffeine and intensified metabolism, a Green Tea diet is not recommended if you have cardiac problems or hypertension.

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Don’t drink the Green Tea under chronicle diseases aggravation, fever and digestion problems, especially if you have an increased stomach acidity, stomach or intestine ulcers. It’s not desirable to drink this tea if you are pregnant or nurse a baby, as far as it contains a lot of caffeine. However, you can drink a cup of tea in the morning.

The Green Tea is contraindicated under rheumatic gout, podagra, glaucoma, sleeplessness and overexcitation. Never drink alcohol with this tea as such compound injuries our kidneys.

The Green Tea recipe to become thin

Apart from the classic tea, there are some drinks, which activate metabolism. It is very useful to drink the tea with ginger, lemon and mint.

Take 2 gm of the Green Tea and 100 ml of boiling water. Brew it in a press and let it draw within 5 – 7 minutes. Then add ginger or mint tincture with a segment of lemon.


Keep in mind that you will reach visible results if you reduce the calories, portions you consume and add your ration with useful and aromatic drink. Thus, you figure will become really perfect!

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